When someone registers for an event, MP will try to match them to an existing profile by comparing Name, Phone #, and Email address. If it can't find a match (either b/c someone entered new contact info, we have bad/outdated info for them, or if they are new & not in MP) it will show up as ***Default, Contact in your event under Participants tab. 

If you are in your event in MP (or have looked up your registrations on the Event Participants page) and notice people listed as ***Default, Contact - here is how you will fix:

1. Go to the Events Page (https://my.crosspoint.tv/ministryplatform/#/308)  and search for, then open up your event:

2. Click on Tools > Assign Participant

3. In the box labeled 'Participants to Review' click on one of the names to start assigning:

4.  Once you click on a name, the person's info will show up in the Notes box. If there are any records in MP that are close to the info provided, those people will show up below in the Possible Matches box.  If you find a match, click 'Assign'

***Keep in mind, if the email address is different in the Notes box than in the Possible Matches box, but you know it's the same person, when you click 'Assign' it WILL NOT update their info in MP.  You'll need to use the Add/Edit Family Tool to make those changes so that when you go to communicate with them later, you'll be using the most current information (not an outdated email:)

5. If you don't find a match in MP & you are assigning a contact who's a minor child, you'll need to add them in using the Add/Edit Family Tool, then come back to this Tool & Assign them.  ***If you are assigning contacts for other events (non-minors) skip to step 6

--There are a couple of scenarios you'll come across - especially with child dedication (since a lot of your sign ups will be new babies...yay!!!): a) the parents will be in MP, but not the baby -OR-  b) no one is in MP at all.

--Either way, I use the Form Responses to get the information on the kids/parents (let me know if you need help finding the form responses).

--Start by pulling up the Add/Edit Family Tool & searching for the family - you can pull the Add/Edit Family tool inside the event - in the same place you found the Assign Participant Tool

---Using their form responses, add in the whole family's info, or if the parents are already in MP, find and select them and then click Add New Family Member to add the child in (see screenshots for example).

6. If you don't find a match in the system (FOR EVENTS WITH ADULT PARTICIPANTS ONLY) click 'Create Participant' 

7.  Scroll through the window that pops up to make sure the following info is entered (if it's available):  Name, Household Position (will always be Head of House unless you know it's a minor child), Address, Email, & Phone #...enter in as much information as you can.

***If the spouse also registered, either separately (is another ***Default, Contact) or they registered together (i.e. Mike & Mary)  enter the spouse in at this time so that the couple will be put together in the same household.  If the spouse registered separately, you can use the tool to assign their record once you've created it here.

8.  Click 'Create Participant'